Special Collections

Traditional Christmas Greeting Cards: Mrs. Gutgesell's mail-order catalogue from 1928

In light of the approaching holidays, here's a selection from our Special Collections, a mail-order catalogue for Christmas cards from 1928.  Provided to church and benevolent organizations,  Mrs. A.A. Gutgesell credits her seventeen years in the novelty business that "...enable me to develop a line of merchandise which cannot be equalled for material, individuality, workmanship [...]


Recent Acquisition: Paul-Émile Borduas’ copy of "Refus global"

Written By: Lisa Sloniowski, English Literature Librarian and Chair, Special Collections Working Group.

Le Refus global
“Make way for magic! Make way for objective mysteries! Make way for Love.”
York Libraries is pleased to announce our recent acquisition of artist Paul-Émile Borduas’ personal copy of the important manifesto Le Refus global (Total Refusal). This acquisition will complement the [...]


Valentine's Day: sugary sweet pop songs from the 1910s

In recognition of the high-sucrose holiday of St. Valentine's Day, here are a selection of some of the more fluffy pieces of sheet music from the John Arpin Sheet Music Collection.
All Alone: a tenacious telephone technology tune

All Alone, "Harry Von Tizler's Great Telephone Song" features a lonely Marie having difficulty contacting her fella Georgie to [...]


In Memorium: Rabbi Gunther Plaut (1 November 1912 - 8 February 2012)

Rabbi Wolf Gunther Plaut was a Reform rabbi and author.  An important figure in the history of the Jewish community in Toronto, he served as rabbi of Holy Blossom Temple from 1961 to 1977 and later as a Rabbi Emeritus and Senior Scholar of the temple.
Born in Germany, Plaut fled persecution under the Nazis in [...]


Hitting milestone with the John Arpin Sheet Music Collection: 1000 down, 139,000 more to go!

Today was an exciting milestone for two of our student assistants working on inventorying sheet music from the John Arpin Archives.  In collaboration with librarians and staff from Bibliographic Services, the 1000th piece of sheet music was entered into the cataloguing system.  It won't appear for another few weeks in the online catalogue, but we [...]
